It used to be that health insurance coverage was simply a way to protect you and your family from surprise costs associated with an illness or injury. It’s evolved into much more that that, and Ontarians should take full advantage. Using your benefits increases the value you get from your coverage, and keeps you healthier! Instead of sitting on them until you need them, use your health benefits to improve your well-being and avoid injuries and illness.

Health Benefits of Self-Care

Most health insurance plans now include coverage for paramedical services. This is the term for health services outside of the realm of medical care. Things like:

  • Chiropractors
  • Massage therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Dietitians, and more

Being able to see a professional after you tweak your lower back on the golf course will get you back on the greens faster, and lessen your chance of a more serious injury. Or going a massage therapy regularly because you spend 9 hours a day hunched over your laptop. It’s all about self care. Massage isn’t just for relaxing anymore. It can help reduce stress and ease muscle tension – preventing future injury. If you’re trying to get healthier and stay that way (who isn’t?) using your paramedical benefits for self-care is a step in the right direction.

Counsellors and Psychologists

Staying healthy isn’t just about your body. Mental health is as equally vital to your well-being as physical health. In recent years, the awareness around mental health care has increased in society and with the government. People are more likely to talk about their mental health and the stigma is greatly reduced.

Insurance companies have recognized this. Services provided by psychologists, social workers, and counsellors may all be covered under paramedical services. If you are in need of mental health care, meeting with a private practitioner may be a viable option, and one whose cost may be covered as part of your health insurance benefits.

Benefits of Injury and Illness Prevention

When we are proactive about looking after our bodies and minds it provides an immediate benefit to our well-being. It’s encouraging to see insurance companies are expanding their coverage to include more of these self-care and preventative care services. There are two primary benefits:

  1. Promoting self-care encourages people to take measures to get and stay healthier. It’s not just reactive; think about changes you could make in your lifestyle: visit a podiatrist to get custom orthotics so you can spend more time chasing your grandkids, finally get your healthy eating on track with the help of a dietitian, or decipher your chronic fatigue with the help of a naturopath.
  2. When you’re getting healthier in some areas, it makes you more aware of all areas of your own health. You’re much more apt to become aware of issues sooner and take care of them.

Lower Health Care Costs in the Long Run

Using the self-care benefits that health insurance companies provide also pays dividends in the long run for a number of parties:

  • The insurance companies themselves save because if you’re healthier, you won’t be making claims for more expensive medical treatments and procedures later on.
  • For you, you’ll also be avoiding those potentially expensive treatments when you take steps to maintain your overall health.
  • Healthier people put less burden on the Ontario health care system as a whole.
  • A healthier society is more productive, with a higher quality of life.

Do you already have health insurance coverage for paramedical services? Think about your own health and identify the ones that you could take advantage of to improve areas of your health. You’re already paying for them, so put them to use! And if you don’t have coverage, have a look at our Ontario Health Insurance options from Blue Cross. And please contact us if you have any questions.

Health Insurance Benefits: How to Get the Most from Them